In a world full of choice, we find so little to choose from. As a family of entrepreneurs and innovators, we have one thing in common – we love freedom. We strive for our Liberté and we have mastered reinventing our route to freedom over and over again. Now we get to put our free spirits in a bottle. Sparkling wines freed from alcohol. Made from our own vineyards and gently liberated from alcohol under vacuum, our alcohol-free wines give us true choice. And true freedom.

We develop and produce innovative wines and alcohol-free beverages, based on 3 principles: Good food. Nature. Innovation.
After a 12-month oak aging process, we apply cold-process under vacuum and reverse osmosis to remove the alcohol from our wines, keeping all benefits of this magnificent works of nature. All our products are rich in enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. Some of our products, like the PINAR are also rich in natural alkaloids derived from the high-mountain herbs we work with.
Our products are not only liberated from alcohol – they are also free from artificial preservatives and colorants.
Vegan, Gluten free and low in sugar.

"We combine natural processes and truly innovative technologies in a compact manufacturing facility, to ensure our customers get natural and clean food, free of colorants and preservatives and rich in nature"
Prof. Dr. Michev